A level Results 15 August 2024

Yesterday was A level results day and I am pleased to say that all the students I tutored at this level did exceptionally well. There is plenty in the media about the national results, with full analysis of regional trends as well as some interesting scrutiny of different subject disciplines. The BBC is a good place to start if you wish to get a decent overview of the grade patterns and the wider contextual factors. For the breakdown of grade boundaries, go to the relevant examination boards and the information should be available in pdf format for you to view.

But for those of you interested in A Level English tuition with me, the excerpts below from feedback I received yesterday might be most useful. I am really pleased with what my students have achieved at this level since it is a seminal moment for many of them as they achieve their UCAS aims and take the next step to university.

Imogen Barratt   
A level English Literature  Grade A*   
ELAT entry  Cambridge University

From Imogen:
‘Hi Jonathan,

I am so pleased to tell you that I’ve been accepted into Cambridge! I got the A* in English, A* in Psychology and an A in French.

In the first English paper, which included the Measure for Measure essay, the Unseen Poetry and the Gatsby comparison, I got 99%!

Thank you so much for your help over the past few years. I couldn’t be more grateful for everything you’ve done from coaching me through the English admissions assessment to picking up the slack from my teachers this year as well as always being confident in my abilities.’

From Samantha, her mother:
‘No doubt Imogen has already told you the good news of the confirmation of her place at Cambridge. Thank you so much again for your time with her which I think made all the difference.’


Aurelia Altuntug      
English Language A level  Grade A*        English Literature A level  Grade A

From Aurelia:
‘I’ll get straight into it: for English Literature I got an A, English Language an A* and French an A – so straight As. After a good two months of stressing over the results, this is very much reassuring, to say the absolute least!

I would like to deeply thank you for what you have taught me over the years with English Language and Literature. I’ve been to many different schools, had many different teachers, but only three of them truly helped me with my development – both academically and as a person. I consider you to be one of them. Beyond your strong teachings in Language and Lit, you have also taught me valuable skills, such as critical thinking and discipline, that will always benefit me in life. Although I will no longer study Language nor Literature, I will forever hold a deep love for both subjects, especially Literature (I’ve been spending a lot of my summer reading some classics in both French and English, notably La Peste which I’m continuing with), thanks to you.’


From Patricia, her mother:
‘Thank you so much. You gave her the strength to believe in herself and of course the skills. We are so grateful for all you have done for her over the years from GCSE to A level!’


Shaan K
A level English Language   Grade: A* (overall score 470/500)

From his mother, Ravinder:

‘I wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all the help and support you provided to Shaan. You will have heard he’s got an A* in English which is awesome.’